I have certain irreconcilable (for me) problems with the Judeo/Christin religions, that will always be the core of why I am an atheist. I won't even go into how the universe came into being, there are much more serious issues that bother me. I will try to lay them out in this post so that anyone can see what I'm talking about.
First we have to define God. According to the bible God is an all knowing, all powerful perfect being who created the heavens and earth and everything within them. He commands the sun to rise and set, he placed the stars in the sky, and everything happens by his will. I think this is a fairly accurate description according to biblical text.
Now here are my problems with this. First; if God created everything he also must have created evil and the bible even supports this. God created the "heavenly host" all the angels which are supposed to be too numerous to count. Angels are supposed to be perfect beings modeled directly from god. Yet. when God created Adam and Eve and gave them dominion over all the animals he also set the angels to serve them. This upset Satan and caused him to oppose God. God then cast Satan out of heaven and one third of the heavenly host followed Satan. How could a perfect all knowing all powerful being first create a supposed perfect being that would turn out so imperfect as Satan is supposed to have been? Also How could an all knowing God not have seen it coming?
Second; God put Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and then put temptation in the form of the tree of knowledge of good and evil right smack in the middle of the garden and with no explanation told Adam and Eve not to eat of it. So if Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil, how were they to know that it was evil to disobey God until/unless they actually ate the fruit? Also Why would God put such temptation there in the first place if he did not expect them to eat of it? Don't forget this is supposed to be an all knowing being. Did he set them up to fail?
Just these two examples are enough to cause me to have serious doubts about God. Either God is not all knowing, or he knowingly let his angels be corrupted. Either he did not think Adam and Eve would eat of the forbidden fruit, or he knowingly placed temptation as the center of Edan so that Adam and Eve would be forced to sin. Either God is not all knowing and hence can not be the God of the bible, or he is malignant and is not worthy of worship.
Until someone can come up with a real explanation for these and many other examples, then I can not worship nor believe in such a deity.
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