I think I am waking up. I was asleep for a very long time. I have been slowly emerging from the webs that fog my mind. For so long I drifted along like so many others, thinking I was ahead of the game. Even more so I thought I wasn't even playing the game. I was a rebel, I went my own way, but I was fooled. I was asleep.
A couple years back, I couldn't tell you for sure how many, I Began thinking again. I entered a state of not quite wakefulness, but also not being fully asleep. I began to pay attention to what was going on around me. I began to understand what was going on around me. Not everything, not at first, probably not even now. I knew enough though, the proccess had started, my slumber was troubled.
It has taken a while, two, three, four years, maybe more. I do not know when I started emerging from my slumber, it was a gradual thing. There were set backs, there were distractions, but I have passed them, and I come very close to full wakefulness. The things I see scare me and part of me wants to ignore it and go back to sleep. After all, if I'm asleep, I can't see, but my fears won't let me. I know now I must wake and come fully to my senses, there is a fight that needs to be fought, and though I may not be able to lead it, I must participate.
I wake to the struggles of humanity verses itself in a contest Of frieghtening proportions. I see people being oppressed all over the world including right here in the United States. I feel bad for all those who are in such desperate straights, they have to little help them in these times of greatest needs. I want to help, I feel a need to do what I can to help my fellow humans make it through, but I realize I have very little to spare. My bills get bigger it seems from month to month. Where I used to have a little cushion to cover in case of an emergency, I find now that there is just barely enough to cover what needs to be covered. I have very few "luxuries" and I may have to cut back on even those few soon. It finally dawns on me that it's not all those oppressed people, it's all of us oppressed people. The frieghtning truth is finally sinking in and I can no longer close my eyes and pretend to sleep.
It is time to put off the warm blanket of lies, leave my sleeping behing and face the truth. I must join the cause of humanity, and let my voice be heard. I will do my part to spread the word, to help convince those who do not or will not see what is being done to us. I don't understand why more have not become aware of what is being done to the average people of not only our country, but the world as a whole. The more I learn, the more frightning it becomes. Our so called government of the people and for the people has become a government of the corporation for the corporation.
While corporate executives live their lives in opulent granduer that any king would envy, millions of people are wondering if they will have a home tomorrow. While the rich eat lobster and caviar, many are worried that they wont be able to feed their families through the week. as the elites sit in their offices in their glass and steel towers making millions for doing nothing, men and women are being turned away from yet another job interview. These men of wealth and power don't care, don't even see what the rest of us are going through.
I see what lies down the road these men of power wish to take the world. I Don't like what I see, so I will wake. I will spread the word so that others may wake and do likewise. I will keep my eyes open and seek out my place in the struggle. I will not be caught sleeping again.
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