I'm not even sure where to begin at this point, there is so much to take in. Budget deficits, wars in 2 countries, women's rights being attacked again, public workers being blamed, and on and on. All of it can be followed back to their roots with the financial ultra elite. I'm not going to go into all the facts and evidence of this, I'm just throwing out some questions and speculations on the subject.
Now we know that people (and I use that term very loosely here) like the Koch brothers and their 1% club are doing everything they can to break the American middle class, and redistribute even more wealth to the top 1 percent club. We also know that the US government and the wall street/bank/mega corporation conglomeration are just about to the point of being one in the same. We also know that the US government has been for many years involved in keeping ruthless dictators and despots in power in third world countries around the globe. The media is all pretty much owned by the big corporations so all you hear from them is what they are told to tell us.
I mean look at Wisconsin, as many as 70 thousand protesters in the state capital, and what have we seen on the mainstream media? Not much and a lot of that is aimed at making the working people look like the bad guys. Those people aren't destroying our country, they are fighting for their basic human rights. They are not taking anything from anyone, they earn their pay and benefits and yes they are entitled to them.
Maybe look at women's rights instead. Dr Tiller was gunned down while in his church because he was willing to help women obtain an abortion which is a legal medical procedure. Of course to hear it from supposed pro lifers, abortion is evil and murder, so killing an abortion doctor is a noble deed. Kind of backwards if you ask me. Women are people too, they deserve the same rights to decide what happens to their own bodies as any man does.Even more so since men don't have to worry about getting pregnant if they are raped(yes men and boys get raped too ( I speak from experience)).
The US has a one million five hundred thousand man active military and a huge reserve, and a military budget that exceeds all the other military budgets in the world combined. We have more bases than even the pentagon can keep track of (no really, they don't know). We have a war going on in Afghanistan that we started. we have a war going on in Iraq that we should never have gotten into that was started by a lie. Oh and that one we started too. I could go on and on with more and more, but I think we have a good picture already.
Our US government is and has been for a long time nothing more than a plutocracy.The government, federal and state, are owned and operated lock stock and barrel by the giant corporations, which along with the banks and Wall Street, are owned in most part by a small group of select families.
I was never one of those people that believes all the conspiracy theories and the one world order stuff that's been going around for who knows how long, but now I begin to think that maybe there is some truth to it. Why else would people who have so much that they couldn't possible have need of anything want even more? If you had 10 or 20 billion dollars, can you think of anything at all that you couldn't afford to buy? Really, is there anything at all that that kind of money can't buy?
Think about this. The Koch brothers just recently gave themselves an 11 billion dollar salary increase. It would take the incomes of about 220 thousand average American families to equal that sum. That was just their raise to themselves, they make a lot more than that. When you have everything, all the luxuries, the toys, the properties, the businesses and literally everything, what else could you possibly want?
I guess the only thing left is power over other people. The ability to have the masses of humanity ebb and flow to your beck and call. It must be a very a powerful draw for some. Personally I don't think it would ever appeal to me, but some people seem to thrive on control. They believe that those who have money deserve power. They think that those who don't, deserve to suffer. They may even achieve their goals for a while.
But I believe in the power of humanity. I just don't think that the billions of people that don't belong to the 1% club will allow it. I think that no matter what these elitist throw at us, we will persevere. They just don't learn from history, this has happened before many times over the centuries. Eventually all oppressive regimes fall.
You just have to look at Egypt, or any of the other middle east or African countries who's governments are falling to citizens that are tired of the injustices. You can also look to the great people out in Wisconsin, who have been peacefully protesting to save there bargaining rights from corporate shill Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin. These people standing up for their rights are not the ones who have put our country in the position it's in.
I worry about what is happening over there. Twitter just makes me more aware and more angry.